Call closed

Thank you very much to all those who had in the call. Now it's up to the jury to deliberate; its final decision will be communicated in November.

Prices 2023

Awards 2023

Best Film & Best Direction

Best film
Nadav Heyman & Anabella Casanova

An elderly man crosses paths with the neighborhood mischiefs.

Best director
Jeppe Lange

Two girls have created a world beyond time and space, dancing through the eery halls of an abandoned monastery. The games they play follow a dreamlike logic. Rules are randomly made, ultimately forming and breaking their symbiotic relationship.

Honorific mention
Mohamad Abbasi

Mohammad’s mother has never danced in her life and it makes him wonder, He was always thinking how can he make his mother move, so he imagined going inside the body of his mother in order to make her move. If he could go into his mother’s body and dance, mother would dance as well, It is like a duet, he and his mother.

Other Lights Award

Zinetika Productions

To let go

To Let Go is a performance installation by Laida Aldaz. It consists in two visual poetry books of great dimensions, containing 4 screens embedded in which the images reflect the impossibility of letting go.

In perspective

It is a multidisciplinary performance based on the encounter between dance, architecture and music, in non-stage spaces. As its name suggests, it plays with perspectives, evoking a cinematographic atmosphere.


THE ROOM is an experimental short film filmed in January 2020 and directed by Laida aldaz Arrieta. In his search to deepen the relationships between the body and space, he reflects, through a single shot, on the impossibility of getting out of the daily routine in which we are isolating ourselves. Sometimes a simple room with a closed door is all we need to start a choreographic creation process. 


One space. Two dices. 10 dancers. One game of chance. The possibility of creating in the confinement.